Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March Madness...its soooo mad.

I didn't make a bracket for two very good reasons. One, I was in on Spring Break and my phone older than moses and doesn't have internet access and two, I don't believe in making brackets. The second part was a joke, but I'm beginning to wonder if I can ever have success in making a bracket. My guess is no. I think the main problem is that 95% of the brackets that I fill out have Duke winning it all, and since they only win once every decade, it leads to a lot of dissappointment. This year was a year of incredible dissappointment. My Dukies lost in the first round to a team that had no prospect of winning another game, and the final four is filled with teams I either loath or just don't like. Keith Canfield made me dislike Kansas, but Callapari made me loath Kentucky. How can you treat college like a one year stop to the draft. Thats a subject for another blog post though.

Jake out

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