Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Opinions of the Internet

In the past few weeks I've noticed how powerful the internet can be. Prior to the internet we really only had TV, radio, and newspapers as sources. With the internet any and every one can voice their opinion on a topic. This was evident in the Trayvon Martin coverage that has taken place. Anyone with an opinion on the subject with a Facebook or blog has voiced their opinion which led to my Facebook newsfeed being filled with posts about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin for two weeks. The media attention and outpour this garnered wouldn't have been possible without the internet. On a lighter note Burger King fell victim to online opinions. They recently began a new ad campaign. One of the commercials featuring singer Mary J. Blige did not make the cut but it did make it to YouTube. This resulted in negative feedback and ultimately a spoof that has gotten 170,000 views in 6 days on YouTube. I'm sure other spoofs and blogs mocking the commercial has been created. The internet has a voice that speaks loudly.

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