Winning the lottery had always been a dream of mine. I
really hate the idea of working until I’m 64 and then living another 20yrs on
funds that took me 40yrs to save. This is where the lottery comes into play.
With all that money I could do whatever I want. Priority number one would be to
make sure that all of my family is taken care of. They poured countless sums of
money into me and my life so I find it appropriate to return the favor. Second
I would invest around 10 percent and put that money to work. Objective number three
would be to put 20 percent toward the work of the Lord, Amen. The rest of that
money would be at my disposal to do whatever I want. I really want to own the controlling
interest in a sports franchise, so that would be something that I would try to
do. I also want to build my own home, that way everything can be the way that I
want it. I would also start a business, it has always been a dream and with
this amount of capital I could get things moving in a hurry. I would also buy a
whole new closet of clothes because I like things like that. What else to do….
I don’t know but has the time goes by I’m sure I can think of some other uses
for my funds.
Slighty depressing....But it would be fun to own a team :)