Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The thing that I really wanted to write about and the thing that has been on my mind would probably seem innapropriate to people at this school. I actually started typing most of it out before I highlighted the post, deleted it, and then changed the title. The thing I was going to write about was an event that happened this weekend. Nothing vulgar or offensive, but it was something that was about to be written with a really bad attitude and probably would've accused some people, that were going to be left nameless, for some things. As I was typing my previous post, I thought I was being so clever by beating around the bush with the names, and subtly saying my points, and I got to a point where I thought my anger would be lifted and just taken away because I had gotten things off my chest that I just wanted to scream across campus. News is, the anger would've probably still been there, and there would then be questions and people that I would have to answer to. Then I realized that there is something that can be learned from this attitude that I was in. One of the main things that Jesus taught while he was on this earth is paraphrased by me as this: You should forgive people because there are things that you have done that also are going to need some forgiving. I was about to "cleverly" blast these people that I thought wronged me and a bunch of other people; I was even going to go as far as calling them names that would've led the post to be taken down. That's not God requires of us. That's not the example he set for us. That's not the attitude he died on the cross for. I think writing it out could've been the thing to make me realize how hypocritical I was being. I was going to call people out for not being mature or taking responsibilty for their actions, but there I was about to call people out on a blog they will probably never see. Unreal Jake. My pinky finger is getting tired from pressing the keys on the keyboard so I will say this one last thing to end my post. There is no way you can be truly happy if you are holding a grudge. There is no one that is perfect and you need to be forgiven for things, just like the people you are mad at.

Jake Out

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