Sunday, February 26, 2012
Mid-Semester Blues
#1) There's always one kid in my class who suddenly thinks of three million questions to ask the professor right before class is dismissed. They're usually personal questions, irrelevent, and previously addressed in the lecture.
#2) My "waterproof" mascara drips mercilessly down my face whenever I cry/sweat/get wet, but then finally lives up to its name when I try to scrub the darn stuff off before I go to bed.
#3) Every time I get on the treadmill for a run, my feet start to itch in my shoes. Every single bloody time. Figure that out.
#4) When I wake up in the morning, I like to take a 5-10 minute snooze. Usually, I turn off the first alarm and then pull my arms up over my eyes to block out any stray rays of light. When I'm "locked in" to position, I fall back asleep, and lose all feeling in my arms. After the second alarm goes off, it takes all the momentum I've got to swing my hand over the "dismiss" button and wait for the paralysis to wear off. This is usually a long, painful process, followed by a sudden surging pulse in my wrists and a needle-prickling sensation all the way down to my fingers. Good morning, indeed.
#5) Being a self-labeled "courteous driver," I typically allow merging cars in front of me when in gridlock. I have no problem doing this when the courtesy is reciprocated in what many call "the wave." It's a simple motion: a flick of the wrist directed to the following car through the rear window. But there's a good 30% of the driving population who neglect to use "the wave" when extended this act of gentility. To the "non-wavers:" I will find you. And I will not let you in.
Well, there you have it. 5 things that only contribute to the stress-inducing time that is midterm. Yet I'm still alive, and have reason to enjoy every single day despite minor setbacks.
Facebook's IPO
The company is set to go public sometime in May of this year. After the company begins its stock offering, Mark Zuckerberg (Founder and CEO) will have an individual worth of around $24 billion. This goes to show that online social media has become a giant in the markets and has great importance in our society today.
***This is a make-up blog for 2/24 since we were away.
Friday, February 24, 2012
An Evening Spent Talking with Truckers
We grabbed a CB and went cruising around in the subdivisions next to interstate 294 trying to pick up chatter, but without any luck. Our next move led us to Cicero Ave., where we hoped to see and hear semi traffic, but again without any luck. So we found ourselves making loops around and near interstate 294, hoping to pick up some chatter. And wouldnt you know it, just when we were about to give up and go home, we picked up some chatter; some trucks heading to Wisconsin were discussing the weather.
As soon as we heard the talk of snow over the CB, we pulled into a hotel parking lot so as to not lose a signal. And thats when we came accross the greatest spot ever for talking on a CB; We parked perpendicular to the interstate, within a stones through of passing traffic.
As a bonus, there was no sound barrier blocking our view, so we were able to read which company each truck belonged to, which gave us an ice breaker or conversation starter, which went like this: "hey Fed-Ex, you got your radio on?" or "hey Yellow, where you headin?" Other trucks we talked to were from Coca-Cola, Con-Way, Walmart, Target...
We found that by talking in a deep and southern accent, we got a higher response rate, I suppose because that tricked the real truckers into believing we were actually one of the gang. But anyways, it was quite fun and entertaining. And now for my favorite conversation of the night (we just listened to this one)... "I'm lookin for two big black girls, two big black girls. breaker breaker breaker..." to which another trucker responded, "someone needs to give him two big black eyes, so he'll shut up"
Why I am satisfied with my education at Trinity
Over my four years of college I have actually attended four different school, even though I will have been at Trinity for a total of three and a half semesters. I have taken classes at Monmouth College, Moraine Valley Community College, Governors State, and of course Trinity Christian College. Of all of these colleges though, Trinity seems to have the upper hand on giving students the hands on experience that makes applying the principles that we have been learning to real life experiences so much easier.
Currently, aside from the courses I am enrolled in at Trinity, I am also taking a marketing management class at Governors State. After being in this class for a few weeks, our professor has not used any other teaching styles besides reading from our book. Since this is the only professor that I have taken a class for at this school, I cannot judge the whole institution. However, through out all of my courses that I have taken at Trinity, I have never been taught in such a low involvement way. That is why I say that I am fully satisfied with the education that Trinity is selling. It is thought provoking and gets the students involved in the way that promotes a fun learning experience.
Impact of Tech on Brand Marketing
Unlikely Triumph in the NBA. (God of the small, who are great) (Marketing mavens are lusting to brand Lin)
Steroids in College Sports
I decided to write about this blog for several reasons. I personally know athletes who've done steroids and athletes who've done steroids and got caught in the process. The most intriguing thing about this issue is the athletes who I know got caught weren't punished. It seems like the NCAA or whose ever in charge of doesn't really seem to care about fixing this serious problem. I feel when an athlete is given the opportunity to walk after testing positive for steroids, it just open doors for many other athletes to do the same.
Why J.R. Smith is more important to the Knicks than Jeremy Lin
Purple Cow
ps i ALWAYS buy GV over the other's so much cheaper
I should be the GM of the Chicago Bears
Jake out.
Did anyone else hear about Google tracking peoples' browsing histories?
The first paragraph of the article states that "Google
After WSJ initially reported this story, several senators and government regulators have gotten involved with it. I'm sure this story will be around for a while, proving once again that nothing is private on the internet.
Entering the Workforce
- Find a Mentor - The best thing you can do to get yourself started on the job search is to find a mentor or someone who has been through the hiring process before to give you advice. It is extremely beneficial to have a professor, a friend, a family member, or someone else there to help keep you on task and make sure you're doing the right things when looking for a job.
- Do Your Homework - You need to make sure you do all the proper research to understand exactly which types of jobs you are looking for and then also to have a substantial knowledge of the companies and positions you are applying for. This way you will have a better idea of what you are getting yourself into and will be more prepared if you are presented with the opportunity to interview for the position(s).
- Sell Yourself - In order to even be considered for a position you need to differentiate yourself from the crowd and make your resume appealing. Be personal and grab the attention of those offering the available positions. Don't get so caught up in the formalities that you forget to give a reasonable description of yourself and your goals. You don't want to be just another resume on the pile, because some companies receive hundreds, even thousands of resumes at a time.
- Proofread - You always want to proofread your resume and cover letter at least once and also have someone else proofread them and go over them with you. In the business world, typographical errors shouldn't really be occurring and you want to start off on the right foot by proving that you can at least type a document without simple errors.
- Use your Resources - The internet has become a very powerful tool these days, especially when it comes to the job search. Tools such as and can be extremely helpful in terms of helping you find available positions in the field you are looking at going into or even in the geographical area of your preference. Also, ask family members and other contacts you may have to keep an eye out for any positions they know of that might be what you're looking for. You won't regret it.
- Apply, Apply, Apply - Once you have an understanding of what type of positions you are specifically looking at applying for, make sure you meet application deadlines and apply as much as possible. The business world can be a difficult place to get into these days and it is only to your benefit to give yourself as many opportunities as possible to get in, as long as you are striving to apply to positions of interest to you.
- Practice Interviewing - You are only hurting yourself if you go into an interview being unprepared or not having any experience with interviews before this. Make sure that you practice interviewing with someone you trust and remember that it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared.
- DRESS PROFESSIONALLY - This is one of the simplest things you can do to aid your job search when talking to those in the business world, applying for positions, or interviewing.
In order to truly be effective in your job search, it would significantly help to implement all of the advice listed above if you haven't already. I sincerely hope that this post is beneficial to anyone who might read this or who might be in the job search now or in the near future.
Chicago Auto Show
Freestyle blog
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Brand Strategy Insider
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Belated Post About an Online Marketing Blog
Two of the most relevant topics that I noticed connected with our class dealt with Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. The SEO article talked about the importance of even small businesses to conduct SEO, and the blogger offered Google's AdWords Keyword tool as one of the easiest options.
It was interesting to note that the blog's contributor, Michael Fleischner, has more than 15 years of experience in the world of online marketing. He's appeared on ABC News, the Today Show, and Bloomberg radio to talk about the vastness of online marketing—I would definitely say that he's a credible source.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Blogs About Online Marketing
Marketing Blogs
This article talks about how people online think they have privacy but really don't. With all the new trends of technology its easier to find out more about people just by the sites they visit. This site also gives as a warning to people who buy stuff online using their credit cards. Basically is discusses how sites uses your charge card to know where you shop, what you buy and what your debt is like.
Reading this blog makes me think twice about buying things online. Whenever I make a purchase via the web, I'm more cautious of how I do it and where I'm doing it.
Marketing Blogs
The San Jose Group Blog
The Sanjose Group Blog focuses on Latino trends, however it is not exclusive. It also covers various online marketing topics as well as other unrelated hispanic topics ranging from celebrations to not for profits.
Gettin' Bloggy Wit It
Jake out.
P.S. Happy Birthday to the greatest person to ever play in the #NBA. MICHAEL JORDAN!!!!!
On top of the marketing trends blog
Marketing Blog
Straight North Blog
This blog is a great blog to teach people interested in marketing. Straight North is a company that deals with all types of clients by trying to increase their success through transforming their online marketing plan. The company deals with everything from email marketing to SEO to PPC advertising. Check this blog out! Its got great information.
Online Marketing Blogger
Here is the site I got the blog from:
a good marketing blog
i liked this one because it wasnt so professional. A lot of them try to be so professional that they are hard to read or not interesting enough to read. this blog has people talk about real topics that are relateable. most postings are short and easy readers too which is why i like it
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Marketing Blog
Marketing Blog
I liked how it looked and all the information that they talked about. They had some question and answer type segments and alt of other random information about the blog and the online marketing community. If I had to choose one blog to read and learn from, I'd for sure have to choose this one. The videos also seemed to be very helpful as an aid of all the information that was talked about in each article. Just an overall professional presence to this blog.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Search my school
Bing: Basically the same as google but the first three links had to deal with my school and google only had 1. However bing mapped a school of similar title in manhattan new york and not manhattan montana.
Yahoo: Had five suggestions and my school was the 5th link... overall yahoo sucks
Search Engines
Yahoo search first brings up the schools' official website. Followed by wikipedia and a private school review site.
Bing search first brings up the school's official website, followed by wikipedia and a private school review site, like yahoo. Next is the sheboygan press.
High school internet search comparison
Each search engine first choice came out the same, each brought up the schools main website, with categories broken down below. Bing and Yahoo second results both were Wikipedia pages, with Google second result being St Rita's Facebook page and third being Wikipedia. Both Bing and Yahoo first pages brought up pictures of St Rita, but Google didn't. All three of the websites majority of results were about St.Rita athletics
At the end of each page, each showed related searches of St.Rita. But Google and Bing had the most options to choose from. For the most part, each website showed similar results,
Google, Bing, and Yahoo! on CCHS
google-first hit was google maps and there shows a map to the right but no sponsered ads. the next hit was an article about one of the students, katie vree, that attends there and her life story about hom a virus attacted her. it was on the school page but its not the homepage. the 3rd hit was the actual home page. the 4th hit was the athletics page and the 5th hit was a private school review page were reviews were made on different private schools in the area.
bing-the first hit brought me to the home page for all three schools. the two midle schools and the high school. from there i could navigate to the home page. the second hit was the article for katie vree again that was on the school website. the third hit was the private school review page again like google search. the fourth lead to timothy christian school on wikipedia so not relavant at all. and the 5th lead to clubs and activities page of CCHS website. out of the top 5 none lead to the high school home page. they had some sponsered results on the right.
yahoo-the first hit was a yahoo map that located the school and other schools that were christian schools. the second hit was the home page for all three schools again. the third page was the katie vree article. the fourth hit was the private school review page and the fifth was timothy christian school on wikipedia again. So this was very similar to Bing with its search results and not having the actual homepage in the top 5. there were also some sponsered results on the right side.
summary-i like google the best because it actually has the homepage link in the search. bing and yahoo lead to timothy christian on wikipedia and so thats not relavant at all. other than the home page and timothy christian issue the searches are very similar especially with the article about katie vree.
Search Engines Results and my High School
search results for: illiana christian high school
The first thing that I noticed about Google was that there was no sponsored results for my search. To the right of the search results was a google map of the street location where you could get directions.
The first result was for, Illiana's website. I was not surprised by this. The next result was for a website that provides statistical information on Illiana. Followed by those two was a Wikipedia article. Finally, in fourth place was a link to the site, This site actually wasn't functional.
Yahoo!'s search was pretty similar to Google's. The first result was the school's official website, along with a Yahoo! map alongside the link.
Yahoo!'s search provided some sponsored results--and none of them were for Illiana Christian High School. One was for a nearby public high school, another was for Christian high school online reviews, and the last one was for Trinity Christian College! Well, it was actually a ad, but Trinity Christian College was the title of the ad. I was surprised when I saw this, but my high school is relatively close to Trinity and many people from Illiana continue with their education at Trinity.
Bing's search was very similar to Yahoo!'s. The first link was Illiana's official website, along with a Bing map and an option for directions. Followed by the Illiana website was a listing for Illiana. Next was a Wikipedia article.
The sponsored results were again very similar to Yahoo!'s, except this time the Trinity ad was the very first sponsored ad that showed up.
Google Bing and Yahoo
Bing: The first website just like Google was my high schools home page. The second website was also the same the website again just loading at a different page within the schools site. The third website that came up was the private schools website from before explaining what our school system is about. The fourth website that came up was wikipedia but for Timothy Christian High School which actually was one of our rival schools there located in Elmhurst. The fifth website that came up was another page off our schools website talking about our schools clubs and activities. Bing also had a map as well.
Yahoo: The first website that came up was four different Christian schools in this area. The second website that came up was the my schools website. The third website that came up was another page within the schools website. The fourth website that came up was a private schools website that explains our school system. The fifth website that came was wikipedia and it was for Timothy High school.
All of these search engines gave me pretty similar results but Google had the most relevant websites.
High School Search
Google: When searching my high school on Google the first link to appear was its official website. Followed by a well develop map with all its nearby streets. The second link was a Wikipedia site, providing brief information about the school. Third unnecessary link to appear was a Youtube link video, title Class of 2010. A Facebook link was the next link titled Thomas Kelly High School BAND! Quite surprised my High School for facebook wasnt on the top order.
Bing: Bing on the other hand, was quite similar, in having the school's official website. Followed by the Wikipedia page, with the same content as Google. The third link showed a smaller version of the map to determine its location. However, the only difference was its fourth and fifth link. The Fourth link was Ihigh, which provided information not relevant with my high school. The fifth link was alumniclass.
Yahoo: The first link alike the other two search engines provided the school's official website. Followed by a small map attached to the link. Second link was my school'd main website again providing more tabs: Student, Teacher, Clubs, Courses, and Athletics. The third link was Wikipedia with same content information. However, the fourth and fifth link were similar to Bing in illustrating Ihigh site and alumni class. Yet, Myspace was also present on the page of links.
Search for Holland Christian High School
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Search for SHS
High School Search Results
Google:: When I googled my high school the first link to pop up was the main website for the school. Under that link though, are a bunch of cluster links with links to the high school page, the elementary page, athletics, academics and so on. under that the next site was the maxpreps site which holds most of the stats of baseball football and basketball teams of the school. Under that was a Yelp page of the school kinda saying what it was all about and talking about the school overall.
Bing:: for Bing the first site was the same in the fact that it went to the main website of the school for the first link of the search. the second link was the high school page and a link to that. a difference i found is that Bing didnt do the cluster links like google did. Under that was another review about the school on another school review website talking about Calvin Christian as a whole and comparing them to other high schools in the area.
Yahoo:: For Yahoo, the results were exactly the same as Bing besides the colors of the two sites. same links with the same follow links and everything. I could write out what I saw exactly, but saying *see Bing results* seems to be a more efficient way of saying it.
** all three searches came with a map of where the school is located and a number you can call to get in contact with the school. That is my search of Calvin Christian High School on Google, Bing and Yahoo
Search Engine Results for My High School
Googled it- The first thing that comes up is the site of the #MightyBison. There is a map off to the side of the link and under it is a cluster of links leading to the pages for Athletics, the Calender, Staff Directory, and Daily Announcements. The second link that was listed was the link to the Wikipedia page for #DASBISON. It was filled very good and accurate information, and although I didn't have my own highlighted section or was even mentioned, I know they still miss me there. The third link is for a high school that is also located near Buffalo Grove. Its called Adlai E. Stevenson High School, and they were our bitter rivals. Fun Fact: @Sky21King's son went there and I played him in baseball.
Binged it- The top two links on the page were the same. The cluster of links under the first one had just about the same options, but there were a few more. (Point for #Bing?) The third link was were the main difference was. When I searched for #BuffaloGroveHighSchool, I wasn't looking for the rival school; I wanted some more quality information on my sweet #almamater. There was a page listed for the alumni of this great institution which I did not know even existed. I'm kind of interested to see which of my #PIC's from high school have registered.
I #digress...
Yahooed (?) it- The top two results were for the same home page of the High School. I'm not quite sure why it is set up that way. (Mutual point for #Google and #Bing?) #fixyouralgorithm The other results turned out pretty much the same as the other two, but as I scrolled down further I noticed a link to site that was about #BGIdol. Which was an activity where students and teachers sang their hearts out.
@JakeDCopeland out. #followback
Search Engines and my High school
Google- the first thing to pop up is the official website of the high school directly below it are links to different content within the website. After that is the district website because there are two Hinsdale high schools. The third is the wikipedia entry for Hinsdale Central. Next link is to the Facebook page of the school followed by a links to foundations set up by the school and the various band programs of the school. There is also a link to a news article that placed HC among the best high schools in IL.
Bing- the first link is to the school website but not followed by the links to various content within the website. Second is a map showing where HC is located. Followed by the Wikipedia entry. Then the next two links are reviews of the school. Then a local school directory. Then a link to a different school with the same name in NY.
Yahoo- The first few links are to Hinsdale Centrals close to the Palos Heights area. The school website comes in second. It is followed by the Wikipedia entry that comes in 3rd. Then a Yahoo news results that has a few news related links beneath it. It is followed by a link for athletic and sporting news happening at HC. Towards the end of the page there is a review from A profile on Schooldigger, a local directory and then the same link to the HC in NY. The last link is a review from
Comparing Search Engines
GOOGLE: I found my school right away. There was a direct link to the school system's official website - - as the first pulled up result. Beneath this link were sublinks directing me each individual school within the system (elementary school, high school, etc.) and a pages to the school board and information about the school's history. The second listed link was the school's Wikipedia page, followed by a link to MLive - the SW Michigan site filled with box scores, newspaper articles, and forums about high school sports. The next link led me to, a site where one can search for old classmates from high school and college. The fifth link was a youtube video for a lipdub my high school created a year ago.
BING: Bing also found my school without much trouble. Again, the first listed sight was - the official website of Kalamazoo Christian Schools. The next link was, where my school was critiqued in terms of education quality, participation, staff, environment, sports, and mission. This was an interesting site that wasn't listed on the first page of Google. Wikipedia's page was pulled up third, followed by a list of maps that directed viewers to the location of all three schools in the system. The fourth link, however, misfired. Instead of pulling up Kalamazoo CHRISTIAN High School, it brought me to the official website of Kalamazoo HERTIAGE ACADEMY High School. Bummer. The fifth listed site was the MLive page with a description of last night's basketball game between KCHS and Hackett, our rivals.
YAHOO: Yahoo's results page was structured a little differently than Google and Yahoo. First, the engine pulled up a list of Christian schools near Kalamazoo, MI. There were over 318 hits. Not really what I was looking for, but never fear - not far behind was The privateschoolreview site was directly behind the official website, similiar to the format of Bing. MLive came in fourth, but then came that nasty Heritage Academy link. Google was the only engine not to pull it up before the other related sites. Finally, Yahoo also pulled up a link for a high school directory. I suppose that was it's way of saying "we hope we found what you're looking for, but if not, here's another search engine geared toward schools." I guess I can appreciate that.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Favorite Super Bowl Adds
This week in class
This week in class the most important thing I learned was, while creating a website it is essential to provide an easy to use home page that engages the audience, while supplying the
information the viewer is looking for in an organized manner.
I have spent a lot of time on Leo Burnett's webpage bc it is fascinating, easy to use, clean and an experience like any other website. This is an experience that will not only make viewers interested, but spend more time on your webpage.
my FAV ad from a superbowl
Everything goes wrong for him, but he is able to make everything better with the power of dorritos, even the healing of dead grandpa
Favorite Super Bowl Commercial