Friday, February 10, 2012

Google, Bing, and Yahoo! on CCHS

After searching for Chicago Christian High School in Google, Bing, and Yahoo, i found some similarities and differences.

google-first hit was google maps and there shows a map to the right but no sponsered ads.  the next hit was an article about one of the students, katie vree, that attends there and her life story about hom a virus attacted her.  it was on the school page but its not the homepage. the 3rd hit was the actual home page.  the 4th hit was the athletics page and the 5th hit was a private school review page were reviews were made on different private schools in the area.

bing-the first hit brought me to the home page for all three schools. the two midle schools and the high school.  from there i could navigate to the home page.  the second hit was the article for katie vree again that was on the school website.  the third hit was the private school review page again like google search.  the fourth lead to timothy christian school on wikipedia so not relavant at all. and the 5th lead to clubs and activities page of CCHS website.  out of the top 5 none lead to the high school home page.  they had some sponsered results on the right.

yahoo-the first hit was a yahoo map that located the school and other schools that were christian schools.  the second hit was the home page for all three schools again.  the third page was the katie vree article.  the fourth hit was the private school review page and the fifth was timothy christian school on wikipedia again.  So this was very similar to Bing with its search results and not having the actual homepage in the top 5.  there were also some sponsered results on the right side.

summary-i like google the best because it actually has the homepage link in the search.  bing and yahoo lead to timothy christian on wikipedia and so thats not relavant at all.  other than the home page and timothy christian issue the searches are very similar especially with the article about katie vree.

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