Thursday, February 9, 2012

Comparing Search Engines

I searched my alma mater, Kalamazoo Christian High School, using the following search engines. This is what I found...

GOOGLE: I found my school right away. There was a direct link to the school system's official website - - as the first pulled up result. Beneath this link were sublinks directing me each individual school within the system (elementary school, high school, etc.) and a pages to the school board and information about the school's history. The second listed link was the school's Wikipedia page, followed by a link to MLive - the SW Michigan site filled with box scores, newspaper articles, and forums about high school sports. The next link led me to, a site where one can search for old classmates from high school and college. The fifth link was a youtube video for a lipdub my high school created a year ago.

BING: Bing also found my school without much trouble. Again, the first listed sight was - the official website of Kalamazoo Christian Schools. The next link was, where my school was critiqued in terms of education quality, participation, staff, environment, sports, and mission. This was an interesting site that wasn't listed on the first page of Google. Wikipedia's page was pulled up third, followed by a list of maps that directed viewers to the location of all three schools in the system. The fourth link, however, misfired. Instead of pulling up Kalamazoo CHRISTIAN High School, it brought me to the official website of Kalamazoo HERTIAGE ACADEMY High School. Bummer. The fifth listed site was the MLive page with a description of last night's basketball game between KCHS and Hackett, our rivals.

YAHOO: Yahoo's results page was structured a little differently than Google and Yahoo. First, the engine pulled up a list of Christian schools near Kalamazoo, MI. There were over 318 hits. Not really what I was looking for, but never fear - not far behind was The privateschoolreview site was directly behind the official website, similiar to the format of Bing. MLive came in fourth, but then came that nasty Heritage Academy link. Google was the only engine not to pull it up before the other related sites. Finally, Yahoo also pulled up a link for a high school directory. I suppose that was it's way of saying "we hope we found what you're looking for, but if not, here's another search engine geared toward schools." I guess I can appreciate that.

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