Friday, February 24, 2012

An Evening Spent Talking with Truckers

That's right, my pal Shane and I spent some time this evening pretending to be truck drivers cruising up or down interstate 294. I must say, it was quite a good time, filled with adventure, conning, and some pretty good quotes(some of which cannot be shared in this blog).

We grabbed a CB and went cruising around in the subdivisions next to interstate 294 trying to pick up chatter, but without any luck. Our next move led us to Cicero Ave., where we hoped to see and hear semi traffic, but again without any luck. So we found ourselves making loops around and near interstate 294, hoping to pick up some chatter. And wouldnt you know it,  just when we were about to give up and go home, we picked up some chatter; some trucks heading to Wisconsin were discussing the weather.

As soon as we heard the talk of snow over the CB, we pulled into a hotel parking lot so as to not lose a signal. And thats when we came accross the greatest spot ever for talking on a CB; We parked perpendicular to the interstate, within a stones through of passing traffic.

As a bonus, there was no sound barrier blocking our view, so we were able to read which company each truck belonged to, which gave us an ice breaker or conversation starter, which went like this: "hey Fed-Ex, you got your radio on?" or "hey Yellow, where you headin?" Other trucks we talked to were from Coca-Cola, Con-Way, Walmart, Target...

We found that by talking in a deep and southern accent, we got a higher response rate, I suppose because that tricked the real truckers into believing we were actually one of the gang. But anyways, it was quite fun and entertaining. And now for my favorite conversation of the night (we just listened to this one)... "I'm lookin for two big black girls, two big black girls. breaker breaker breaker..." to which another trucker responded, "someone needs to give him two big black eyes, so he'll shut up"  

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