Friday, February 24, 2012

Purple Cow

When I get some downtime and I'm browsing the web every now and then I check out a TED discussion to get some intellectual stimulation when school isn't enough. Today I decided to specifically look for TED discussions focused on marketing. After doing a Google search I came across a blog that offered 13 must see videos on marketing. I perused the selection and decided to view one, just one because these videos tend to be lengthy and my attention span isn't that long. The video I watched discussed standing out and it spoke about how companies are able to sell products. For instance, he spoke about when sliced bread was first produced it didn't sell for 15 years. Not until Wonderbread did sliced bread become what it is today. There was something about Wonderbread that made sliced bread worth making a remark about, Wonderbread made it remarkable. The speaker emphasized that standing out wasn't just central to the business world but in life in general. Whether you are trying to market online, get a job, or get a date something has to make you stand out. Something has to make you the purple cow. You have to know what people want, you have to be able to design, you have to take risk, and you have to be better than very good. In my opinion it shows the significance marketing has on a daily basis. Here's the link of the 13 must see videos on marketing

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