Friday, February 24, 2012

Why I am satisfied with my education at Trinity

Now that I am about half way through my last semester of college, I have been looking back at all of the classes, experiences, and moments that have occurred throughout my college career.  It has been a great time of growth for me, as it is for most college students. Upon reflecting on all of the different classes I have taken at different schools, it seemed to me that Trinity has succeeded in preparing me for the workplace more than any other schools that I have attended have.

Over my four years of college I have actually attended four different school, even though I will have been at Trinity for a total of three and a half semesters.  I have taken classes at Monmouth College, Moraine Valley Community College, Governors State, and of course Trinity Christian College. Of all of these colleges though, Trinity seems to have the upper hand on giving students the hands on experience that makes applying the principles that we have been learning to real life experiences so much easier.

Currently, aside from the courses I am enrolled in at Trinity, I am also taking a marketing management class at Governors State. After being in this class for a few weeks, our professor has not used any other teaching styles besides reading from our book. Since this is the only professor that I have taken a class for at this school, I cannot judge the whole institution. However, through out all of my courses that I have taken at Trinity, I have never been taught in such a low involvement way. That is why I say that I am fully satisfied with the education that Trinity is selling. It is thought provoking and gets the students involved in the way that promotes a fun learning experience.

1 comment:

  1. Always nice to hear! Sad you are having a bad exp. in a marketing class there.
