Friday, February 24, 2012

Entering the Workforce

For all of you out there who might be searching for jobs or internships, such as myself, I figured I would create a brief list of advice that has been given to me or that I have already given to others. This information will hopefully give you a solid foundation to begin your job search.

  1. Find a Mentor - The best thing you can do to get yourself started on the job search is to find a mentor or someone who has been through the hiring process before to give you advice. It is extremely beneficial to have a professor, a friend, a family member, or someone else there to help keep you on task and make sure you're doing the right things when looking for a job.
  2. Do Your Homework - You need to make sure you do all the proper research to understand exactly which types of jobs you are looking for and then also to have a substantial knowledge of the companies and positions you are applying for. This way you will have a better idea of what you are getting yourself into and will be more prepared if you are presented with the opportunity to interview for the position(s).
  3. Sell Yourself - In order to even be considered for a position you need to differentiate yourself from the crowd and make your resume appealing. Be personal and grab the attention of those offering the available positions. Don't get so caught up in the formalities that you forget to give a reasonable description of yourself and your goals. You don't want to be just another resume on the pile, because some companies receive hundreds, even thousands of resumes at a time.
  4. Proofread - You always want to proofread your resume and cover letter at least once and also have someone else proofread them and go over them with you. In the business world, typographical errors shouldn't really be occurring and you want to start off on the right foot by proving that you can at least type a document without simple errors.
  5. Use your Resources - The internet has become a very powerful tool these days, especially when it comes to the job search. Tools such as and can be extremely helpful in terms of helping you find available positions in the field you are looking at going into or even in the geographical area of your preference. Also, ask family members and other contacts you may have to keep an eye out for any positions they know of that might be what you're looking for. You won't regret it.
  6. Apply, Apply, Apply - Once you have an understanding of what type of positions you are specifically looking at applying for, make sure you meet application deadlines and apply as much as possible. The business world can be a difficult place to get into these days and it is only to your benefit to give yourself as many opportunities as possible to get in, as long as you are striving to apply to positions of interest to you.
  7. Practice Interviewing - You are only hurting yourself if you go into an interview being unprepared or not having any experience with interviews before this. Make sure that you practice interviewing with someone you trust and remember that it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared.
  8. DRESS PROFESSIONALLY - This is one of the simplest things you can do to aid your job search when talking to those in the business world, applying for positions, or interviewing.

In order to truly be effective in your job search, it would significantly help to implement all of the advice listed above if you haven't already. I sincerely hope that this post is beneficial to anyone who might read this or who might be in the job search now or in the near future.

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