Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mid-Semester Blues

Good day, marketing blog readers! I have a special suprise for this post. For those of you who have never had the priveledge of following me via blog before, I shall now explain. First, a disclaimer: as cynical as I come across, I'd like to remind everyone that I love my life and nearly everything about it. Yet there comes a time in every college student's career where (s)he is tempted to throw over furniture in King-Kong-like fashion, rip up homework, and throw flaming textbooks out the window. Whether it's caused by school, work, or lack of sleep, we've all been there. I like to call it "spring-break-come-quickly-itis." And as fun and theraputic as the above rant would be, it would also be very expensive and annoying to clean up. Therefore, I have developed a new solution I like to call blog vomit. It is the point in my blog in which I hyperbolically describe all those little annoying things that make up mid-semester-blues. Please enjoy: Annual Blog Vomit - Episode #1.

#1) There's always one kid in my class who suddenly thinks of three million questions to ask the professor right before class is dismissed. They're usually personal questions, irrelevent, and previously addressed in the lecture.

#2) My "waterproof" mascara drips mercilessly down my face whenever I cry/sweat/get wet, but then finally lives up to its name when I try to scrub the darn stuff off before I go to bed.

#3) Every time I get on the treadmill for a run, my feet start to itch in my shoes. Every single bloody time. Figure that out.

#4) When I wake up in the morning, I like to take a 5-10 minute snooze. Usually, I turn off the first alarm and then pull my arms up over my eyes to block out any stray rays of light. When I'm "locked in" to position, I fall back asleep, and lose all feeling in my arms. After the second alarm goes off, it takes all the momentum I've got to swing my hand over the "dismiss" button and wait for the paralysis to wear off. This is usually a long, painful process, followed by a sudden surging pulse in my wrists and a needle-prickling sensation all the way down to my fingers. Good morning, indeed.

#5) Being a self-labeled "courteous driver," I typically allow merging cars in front of me when in gridlock. I have no problem doing this when the courtesy is reciprocated in what many call "the wave." It's a simple motion: a flick of the wrist directed to the following car through the rear window. But there's a good 30% of the driving population who neglect to use "the wave" when extended this act of gentility. To the "non-wavers:" I will find you. And I will not let you in.

Well, there you have it. 5 things that only contribute to the stress-inducing time that is midterm. Yet I'm still alive, and have reason to enjoy every single day despite minor setbacks.

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